Press Clipping: Panel Allows Stolen Artwork Claims to Move Forward


Jason Grant
April 19, 2017

“Collateral estoppel requires the issue to be indentical to that determined in the prior proceeding,” the panel said. “[That has not]…been shown here where the purchaser, the pieces, and the time over which the pieces were held differ significantly.”

The lawsuite is part of a long-running fight to reclaim art once owned by Austrian Jew Fritz Grunbaum, who amassed a rare 449-piece art collection that was confiscated by Nazis in 1938, his heirs say. Grunbaum died at the Dachau concetration camp.

Read the full article here :




Press Clipping: Legal battle over Schiele works owned by Jewish entertainer who died in Dachau

His heirs’ attempts to recover them will be framed by President Obama’s Holocaust Act

by David D’Arcy  |  6 April 2017

A dispute in New York over two watercolours by Egon Schiele will revisit the tragic life of their owner in the 1930s, Fritz Grünbaum, a popular Jewish entertainer in Vienna who died a Nazi prisoner in Dachau.

Some also see the case as an early assessment of the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery (HEAR) Act, which regularised a federal statute of limitations of six years, beginning with the discovery of an object, during which claims can be made for the recovery of Nazi loot in the US. The statute affirms a US interest in the restitution of art stolen during the Nazi era.





Brief Amicus Curiae

Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of The American Jewish Committee, Omer Bartov, Michael Bazyler, Haim Beliak, Michael Berenbaum, Donald Burris, Judy Chicago, Richard Falk, Hector Feliciano, Eugene Fisher, Irving Greenberg, Peter Hayes, Douglas and Marjorie Kinsey, Douglas Kmiec, Marcia Sachs Littell, Hubert Locke, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Bruce Pauley, John Pawlikowski, Carol Rittner, John Roth, Randol Schoenberg, William Shulman, Stephen Smith, Alan Steinweis, Melvyn Weiss, Donald Woodman, and Jonathan Zatlin, in Support of Plaintiffs-Respondents.

On December 16, 2016, President Obama signed into law the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016 (the “HEAR Act”), which passed both the House and Senate unanimously. Amici have particular interests implicated by the HEAR Act, which are set forth in Appendix A. None of the Amici has any financial or economic interest in the outcome of this appeal.
Amici underscore one specific way in which Nazis victimized Jews: robbery on a grand scale. The grand larceny should not be overlooked merely because mass murder was the foulest crime perpetrated by the Nazi conspirators…

…In Part I of the brief, we suggest that the HEAR Act does exactly what the Washington Principles and the Terezín Declaration failed to accomplish: provide binding legal language enabling fair and just resolution of conflicts over Recovery of Holocaust Expropriated Art. In Part II, we explain how the HEAR Act intersects with various technical defenses in this case focused on two pieces of art that were indisputably the property of Fritz Grunbaum.

Full Amicus Brief

Press Clipping: Art Dealer Networks in the Third Reich and in the Postwar Period

Art Dealer Networks in the Third Reich and in the Postwar Period


Journal of Contemporary History

First published date: January-01-2016

Art Dealer Networks Article JCH

Die deutsche Version steht hier zum Lesen bereit / Please read the german version here

Art Dealer Networks Article JCH - German





Press Clipping: A Suit Over Schiele Drawings Invokes New Law on Nazi-Looted Art

The New York Times

A Suit Over Schiele Drawings Invokes New Law on Nazi-Looted Art


Egon Schiele’s “Woman Hiding Her Face” (1912) is one of two drawings at issue in a suit brought by heirs of the collector Fritz Grunbaum.

When the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act was adopted unanimously by Congress in December, it was widely praised as a necessary tool to help the heirs of Holocaust victims recover art stolen from their families during World War II.

Now the efficacy of the HEAR Act, as it is known, may get an early test in New York State Court, where the heirs of Fritz Grunbaum, an Austrian Jewish entertainer, are citing it in efforts to claim two valuable colorful drawings by Egon Schiele.

Read the full article in the New York Times here



Documents that show the robbery of the property of Fritz Grünbaum

Finden Sie hier, aufgrund der intensiven Diskussion in den Kommentaren folgender beiden Artikel der Tageszeitung „derStandard“,

29.11.2015 –

2.12.2015 –

die drei zentralen Dokumente um den Raub des Vermögens von Fritz Grünbaum:

  1. Verzeichnis des Vermögens von Juden von Fritz und Lilly Grünbaum
  2. die unter Zwang von Fritz Grünbaum im Konzentrationslager Dachau erteilte Vollmacht an seine Frau Lilly
  3. das Schreiben des von der Devisenstelle Wien beauftragte Verwalter für das Vermögen von Fritz und Elisabeth Grünbaum Rechtsanwalt Dr. Ludwig Rochlitzer vom 31. Jänner 1939, in welchem er ihr mitgeteilt dass er an Honorar das 3-fache eines damaligen durchschnittlichen Jahresentgelt  aus dem  Vermögen der Grünbaums entnimmt. Siehe

Find here, following the intense discussion at the comments at following articles in Austrian daily newspaper DerStandard

29.11.2015 –

2.12.2015 –

the three most important documents, which show the robbery of the property of Fritz an Lilly Grünbaum through NS authorities.

  1. the Jewish Property Declaration by Fritz and Lilly Grünbaum
  2. the POA in favour of Lilly Grünbaum signed forced by Fritz Grünbaum in KZ Dachau
  3. and the letter of Att. Ludwig Rochlitzer, the administrator appointed by the  exchange control office Vienna, where he billed fee in an amount three times higher than an average income of a year in 1939. Further information to the average income you can find at (in German only)



downloadJewish property declaration file / Verzeichnis des Vermögens von Juden von Fritz und Lilly Grünbaum

downloadPOA Fritz Grünbaum / Vollmacht Fritz Grünbaum


Rochlitzer letter / Brief von Rochlitzer

Paintings will remain subject to the court’s jurisdiction

The attorneys of Richard Nagy and the attorneys of the heirs of Fritz Grünbaum agreed in a joint petition to the SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, that two artworks by Egon Schiele WOMAN IN A BLACK PINAFORE and WOMAN HIDING HER FACE from Fritz Grünbaum´s Collection continue to remain in New York pending further order of the Court.

The prescribed deadline for submitting comments on the plaintiff’s claim be extended from December 1,2015 to and including January 15,2016


Die Anwälte von Richard Nagy und die Anwälte der Erben von Fritz Grünbaum vereinbarten in einer gemeinsamen Eingabe an den SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK , dass beiden Kunstwerke von Egon Schiele WOMAN IN A BLACK PINAFORE und WOMAN HIDING HER FACE aus der Sammlung Fritz Grünbaum weiterhin in New York verbleiben bis zu einer diesbezüglichen  Verfügung des Gerichts.

Die vorgeschriebene Frist zur Stellungnahme auf das Klagebegehren wurde vom 1. Dezember 2015 einvernehmlich auf den 15. Jänner 2016 verlegt.