Why the Right to Return Nazi-Looted Property is at Risk – An Open Letter to the Chancellor of Germany

The debate over the restitution of Nazi-looted art is taking a concerning turn. A group of lawyers, historians, and descendants of Nazi victims has addressed an open letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, drawing attention to looming setbacks in restitution law. The letter warns against the planned abolition of the Advisory Commission for Nazi-Looted Art – an institution that has been advocating for justice in handling Nazi-looted art for over 20 years.

In its place, a new arbitration court is set to be introduced, which, according to the signatories, would significantly restrict the rights of victims. Art dealers and those who were forced to sell cultural assets under persecution would be particularly affected. The signatories criticize that these changes have been decided without public debate or parliamentary hearings.

The open letter calls for halting the initiative until a comprehensive hearing is held in the Bundestag. The goal is to preserve restitution rights and amplify the voices of victims.

Find the english translation of the letter below the original text.


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